I graduated from the University of British Columbia with my master's degree in computer science, with research focus on artificial intelligence and human-computer interaction. I am currently at Amazon as a software engineer. My previous projects include information visualization and interface design.
Project Portfolio

SEQIT: Visualizing Sequences of Interest in Eye-Tracking Data
I designed and developed this visualization system for sequence analysis of eye-tracking data. Using pre-defined areas of interest (AOI), SEQIT aggregates fixations into AOI visits and presents sequences of AOI visits in a timeline view. It supports comparisons between multiple sequences and exploration of sequence patterns associated with user characteristics.
I presented this project at the 2015 IEEE Conference on Information Visualization.
D3.js Bootstrap Balsamiq

REC Schedule
I designed and developed a light-weight web app for viewing the upcoming schedule at various recreation facilities in the university. The app fetches event data from multiple Google Calendar sources maintained by the university and presents a schedule view in a clean and user-friendly style. The schedule app is also optimized for mobile viewing, which is cumbersome through the official websites.
AngularJS Bootstrap

Transit History Visualization
With the data collected by my transit card, I designed an interactive visualization, with geocoding and linked highlighting, to see how I used public transit in 2015.
Tableau Desktop
Fitts' Law Experiments
I developed a web app for two multi-stage user-study experiments, used in a graduate course on HCI.
React Bootstrap
I developed an Android library for real-time gait analysis in smartphones.
Android API Weka

Open-Source Project Contributor
MarkUs Project, 4 mo, 2013
As a participant in the Undergraduate Capstone Open Source Projects, I worked on designing and implementing various user interface features and improved the usability for the task of re-marking assignments in this online assignment grading tool.
Ruby on Rails GitHub

Software Developer Co-op
Tasktop, 8 mo, 2011
I worked on designing and developing features of Tasktop Agile Planner on a team of three for 6 months and continued working on the project on my own for 2 months. During this period, we successfully delivered three major releases of the product on time and with high quality.
Java Eclipse Plugin Development

QA Developer Co-op
Safe Software, 8 mo, 2010
I performed quality control testing during the annual release stage. I collaborated with developers on different teams to trace the sources of bugs. I also created and maintained automated test cases.
Software Testing

Master of Science in Computer Science
University of British Columbia, 2013–2015
My research area was intelligent user interface, an intersection between AI and HCI. My thesis is titled Inferring User Cognitive Abilities from Eye-Tracking Data. For my thesis project, I implemented algorithms and scripts to process eye-tracking data, build machine-learning models, and conduct analyses. I published the main codebase as GazeML.
I worked as a teaching assistant for three undergraduate courses. For one course, I created an AngularJS app to help me conduct in-lab grading more efficiently.
I also served as the President of the Computer Science Graduate Student Association for one year.
Python (scikit-learn) R (ggplot2) AngularJS LaTeX Keynote

Honours Bachelor of Science in Computer Science and Statistics
University of British Columbia, 2008–2013
I was awarded the Trek Excellence Scholarship for placing in the top 5% of the Faculty.